Captain America David Christopher

David Christopher

I am a dude dressed as another dude disguised as another dude. In short, I am a cosplayer, actor, entertainer, and joke teller. I grew up in the midwest of the United States on a family farm with the instilled value to always be thankful for life's opportunities. I knew I wanted to entertain and bring a glimmer of hope to people's lives in an area devastated by deindustrialization. What better way I thought than combining my passion for comics, joke-telling, and entertainment than cosplay. Volunteered with children's hospitals and other charitable organizations to give back to the local community the best way I thought I could. After graduating, I worked as a civil construction worker for the local telecommunications company while making youtube videos on the side. I progressed to making TikToks, with now more than 1 million followers. In 2021, I was awarded by the local mayor and police department the Citizens Meritorious Service Award for valorous conduct amidst chaotic circumstances, which sadly was related to some violence that broke out amidst some protests. I don't just wear the suits of comic book heroes; I always looked up to them and took guidance on how to live life. Be kind, be humble, give back, and inspire others to be more than they can be. Early 2022, something I never expected to happen with the help and loving support of my family and close friends, I was able to leave my small town in Nebraska to move to California to pursue my dreams of acting and entertainment.